March 23, 2021
Scouting during COVID has brought all sorts of challenges but it has also brought a whole new set of experiences to our youth! We started in Fall of 2020 only being allowed outside with a whole list of security precautions in place. As a group we set out to ensure that it stayed fun while still being safe. We added shelters with wind breaks to make sure we could stay warm. We were still able to have fun though! During the short time we were allowed to do activities in person we were able to do some cool things! We did Snowshoeing, STEM activities with heat and ghosts during Halloween. I even put our Cubs through basic training as part of remembrance day!

Shortly after Remembrance day we moved back to Virtual Scouting only. It took a little while to get into the groove, but after a few weeks we were becoming experts. In preparation for the holidays we made lights out of old tin cans. This was certainly a hit in my house.
In the new year, we kicked it up a notch! We started some pretty cool STEM activities thanks to Scouter Hummingbird. We started working on the Great Canadian Adventure, and for a part of it we were able to explore Canada virtual on Roblux. We also got to Explore the world that day! (See pictures down below)
We even made new friends this year that we got to hang out with virtually! We met with Cubs and Scouts from the 4th Streatham Sea Scouts from London, England. We even took them on the Great Canadian Adventure with our Cubs leading an information session on what being a Cub Scout in Calgary is about.
We have moved back to modified in person Scouting at this point in time, but we are still meeting online every few weeks and have more plans to meet up with our friends from across the pond in the next few weeks!
Dan Glickman,
A Pack Akela / Group Comissioner.