Author: Alan Hanley

We’re BACK and running again!

Hello Everyone!

Sorry about the website being down for the last week. We had an issue with one of the components doing an update, that subsequently brought the whole site crashing to the ground. The downside is that we lost all the Calendar and Schedule information, so I’m trying to get that up and running again ASAP.

Thank again for everyone’s patience …

Updated Bottle Drive Fees

Hi Everyone,

I hope that everyone has heard from their section contact scouters by now, but if you haven’t I’d like to pass along some great news.

We have tried really hard to pass along a financial break to those families that have multiple members in our 144 family. From now on, the bottle drive cheques are as follows (per bottle drive):

$75.00 for 1 youth in the program, 

$130.00 for 2 youth in the program,

$170.00 for 3+ youth in the program.

We hope that this gives anyone a bit of a break, should you be unable to attend a bottle drive for whatever reason.

Website Update – 2

Hi Everyone,

The website is coming along nicely and I’m adding as much relevant content as possible. If you have any questions or would like anything added, please leave me a message and I will get back to you ASAP.


Scouter Alan

Upcoming Bottle Drive

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick reminder that the first bottle drive is coming up on January 11th 2020. Please make sure that you dress according to the weather, given the time of year it can be hot, cold or somewhere in-between.

The main thing to remember … have fun, we are all raising money for the kids to have some awesome adventures!


Please remember to bring your 3 x $75 post-dated bottle drive cheques for the 1st meeting for each of your child’s sections. Each corresponding cheque will be destroyed or returned should you attend, and contribute at least 4 hours of work per bottle drive.

Website Update – 1

Hi Everyone,

The website is currently undertaking a massive refresh, so I ask that you please be patient while I update all the content.

Once it is finished, we will have all the latest information on camps, activities and events, as well as links to help you and your child achieve their best in the scouting program.

Stay tuned!


Scouter Alan